Science and Engineering Challenge

The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwide Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment.
Challenge Days are designed for Year 9 and 10 students, although younger students can be invited to attend. Students are involved in an exhilarating day competing against other schools in fun and engaging hands-on activities such as designing an earthquake proof tower, building a hovercraft or bridge, providing electricity to a city or creating an environmentally friendly house. Typically 8 schools of 32 students (256 students in total) compete in a Challenge Day. Points are awarded based on their performance and the school with the highest point score at the end of the day is the winner. Qualifying schools may go on to compete at a State Final, and eight winning schools from around Australia are invited to compete at a one-day National Final each year, please click on the link: to find out more of what's involved.
This year's Sapphire Coast Event was organised by RC Bega and held at the Bega Showground on 1 April, thank you to the wonderful RC Bega volunteers who provided a delicious BBQ for all attendees, this was greatly appreciated by all. Also our thanks to our Rotarians, Bill, Brad, Roger & Martyn for supervising the student teams whilst they worked on the different scenarios set by the University of Newcastle.
Eden Marine High School (EMHS) year 9 & 10 students won this year's Challenge against four other other schools on the Sapphire Coast, for the first time in its 22 year history. Well done guys!