Central Butuan international partnership

SEE facebook page for more pictures.

Central Butuan international partnership![]() https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=943261661269039&id=100067556426127&mibextid=wwXIfr&rdid=2SgJRlKwtjPxhCxc# SEE facebook page for more pictures. ![]() |
On-Line Booking & Payment of Market Sites 24/25
Wishing Well Donations 2023-2024![]() At our Board Meetings the following payments were approved from the donations made at the wishing wells at our monthly markets:
A huge thank you to our wonderful visitors for your tremendous generosity, these donations will be greatly appreciated by the recipients of these worthy causes. |
Sunday Market - 15 October 2023![]() We were so lucky with the weather, we all enjoyed a beautiful sunny day for our September market. School holidays for Victorians so lots of visitors out and about exploring all the magnificent stalls. Juicy apples, local honey, pancakes, donuts, biscuits, glamorous dresses, eco dyed scarves and designer ceramics, the list goes on .... you'll have to come along to our October market to see all that's on offer. Put the date in your calendar and we'll see you there.
Together We End Polio![]() Together, we #EndPolio. Only two countries continue to report wild #polio cases, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This #WorldPolioDay, let’s make history and shrink that number to zero: https://endpol.io/wpd
Sprucing Up Time![]() Its that time of year again when our team of fantastic volunteers, Paul, Cam and Don, are out and about in Ford Park, Merimbula, sanding and restaining all the tables and benches ready for all our visitors to enjoy sitting in the sunshine eating their picnics or fabulous fresh fish & chips from the local cafes or delicious food from our BBQ at our monthly Sunday markets. Well done, guys, for a great job! President Martyn & Chloe trying out the newly renovated bench
Many Hands Expo![]() Our Sapphire Coast Rotary Volunteers from Merimbula, Pambula & Bega attended the Many Hands Expo on 8 September 2023. It was a fantastic opportunity for prospective volunteers to come along and visit all the wonderful organisations, over 40, that service the Bega Valley and it was also great catching up with all the other volunteer organisations. Many thanks to Bega Valley Shire Council for organising and hosting the event, Sapphire Community Projects for the delicious lunch and to Riverbend Choir for their fabulous performance. |
Club Meeting - 6 September 2023Michelle Gardiner presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by President Martyn Our Guest Speaker at our club meeting held on 6 September was Michelle Gardiner, Palliative Care Co-ordinator, Bega Valley. Michelle gave us a very interesting presentation on What is Palliative Care. "Palliative care is specialised health care for people whose illness is not curable. It aims to maximise quality of life and minimise pain and other symptoms. It is an approach which considers the needs of the ‘whole’ person, including their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. A new Palliative Care Volunteer Service has been introduced in the Bega Valley. This is a free volunteer support service to people living with a life limiting illness as well as to their families and carers. The specially trained volunteers can provide non-clinical, in-home support such as: assistance in shopping, walking the dog, visiting those who are isolated, joining in activities or reading aloud, having a chat over a cup of tea." (text from Southern NSW Local Health District advertising leaflets) If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the team on 0407 529 526 or for more information visit: https://www.snswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/get-involved/volunteer. |
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment Program (RYPEN)![]() 2023 RYPEN CHALLENGE Borambola Sport & Rec Centre, via Wagga Wagga POSTPONED New dates in March/April 2024 to be published in September. The ROTARY YOUTH PROGRAM OF ENRICHMENT (RYPEN) is a challenging weekend for year 9 students who show a positive and caring attitude in everyday life. RYPEN is not a leadership camp; the program is aimed at students with good potential who could benefit from a boost in their self esteem and confidence. |
Many Hands Volunteer Expo![]() Please come along and talk to our amazing volunteers. Should be a great day.
Mercy Ships![]() At a recent Board Meeting, it was agreed to donate $500 to support this amazing organisation. "Mercy Ships is an international development organisation that deploys hospital ships and volunteers to developing nations – improving the quality of life for people living with the diseases of poverty, disfigurement, and disability, through direct medical services, and building the capacities of healthcare systems to meet the needs of the future. The Africa Mercy in Durban, South Africa is undergoing a revitalising transformation, getting spruced up and ready for more years of remarkable service alongside her sister ship, the Global Mercy. The dedicated volunteers aboard the Global Mercy have been making a tremendous impact on patient's lives. Currently docked in Dakar, Senegal, they have been tirelessly caring for patients from both Senegal and the neighbouring Republic of The Gambia." For more information, please visit https://mercyships.org.au
Toys for Ukrainian ChildrenBranch Members, Tabitha, Pam & President Anne from the Country Women's Association Pambula-Merimbula and President Martyn, Rotary Club of Merimbula At our August market, we presented the 'cheque' for $1,000 to representatives from the Country Women's Association Pambula-Merimbula Branch. Their branch member, Tabitha Bilaniwskyj-Zarins (who is Ukrainian) convened this community fundraiser to support all the children of Ukraine who are suffering so dreadfully by the war. Our August market collected $1,400 from our wishing wells, this amount will be added to the $1,000 to purchase more toys. Thank you to all our visitors to our market for your tremendous generosity.
Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)![]() Eden Marine High Team - Counsellor Teacher Philip Grover, Euan Osten, Phoebe Clunes observed by Rotary Merimbula Youth Director, William De Jong The national Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) was held 11 to 13 August in the Senate Chamber of Old Parliament House - now the Museum of Australian Democracy. This annual event is facilitated by the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise and our Club sponsored two students from Eden Marine High School. There were 47 students from across Australia representing 17 nations. The Eden Marine team represented Israel. Students debated 6 resolutions which included the situation in the South China Sea, the state of global food security and a call for concrete action to eliminate racism and related intolerance. Phoebe and Euan acquitted themselves well despite limited preparation time. Phoebe, Euan and Eden Marine High School teachers have been invited to speak at a Rotary club meeting to share their experiences, early November 2023. ![]() |
Club Meeting - 16 August 2023President Martyn, presenting Certificate of Appreciation to Christine Welsh Christine gave us an interesting overview of her work with the Community Pantry, Ricky’s, and Oz Harvest. In 2013, Christine and Peter retired to the Bega Valley and they started a branch of Oz Harvest in 2013. After much research, the Community Pantry started in 2017 in Bega in the corner of the Salvation Army Op Shop and they had over 100 shoppers on the first day. They moved into their current location in 2018, which gave them larger premises. They obtain a range of groceries including fruit and vegetables from Foodbank NSW and provide food at very low prices; it is safe food, it may be that the food is in boxes that have old advertising or is close to ‘Best Before Date’. The Pantry is a place designed to be welcoming, non-judgemental and non-discriminatory. As many of their customers live in surrounding villages and cannot get to Bega, they also operate a mobile pantry to Bemboka once a fortnight. |
Sunday Market - August 2023![]() Letter received from the Secretary, Country Women's Association of NSW Pambula-Merimbula: "On behalf of Pambula-Merimbula Branch of Country Women's Association of NSW, I wish to thank Rotary Club of Merimbula for its very generous donation to help us provide toys for the children of Ukraine. Our branch member, Tabitha Bilaniwskyj-Zarins (who is Ukrainian) convened this community fundraiser to support all the children of Ukraine who are suffering so dreadfully by the war. Our branch immediately offered to help and Merimbula Rotary's generous donation will certainly assist us in providing toys for this very worthy cause." Our Club has already donated $1,000 to assist in this very commendable initiative and funds collected from the Wishing Wells will be donated to try and bring some joy to the children of Ukraine.
An Evening with Kurt Fearnley, AO![]() Ron Finneran, OAM, Chairman of the Sapphire Coast Youth Development Fund has managed to convince Kurt Fearnley to come down to the Sapphire Coast to be part of an evening in support of the Sapphire Coast Youth Development Fund. The date is Saturday October 14. As you know, Kurt is an inspirational person and a very enterprising man with an ‘everything is possible’ attitude. Ron reckons that the sort of messages he delivers about never giving up, teamwork and grabbing opportunities is one that most people would benefit from. We would be delighted for you to join us for this special event. There are tables of ten and tickets are available by clicking on https://www.stickytickets.com.au/iuswa/an_evening_with_kurt_fearnley.aspx |
Handover of the New Carousel to Bega Valley Shire Council![]() The free sausage sizzle at Spencer Park on Saturday 5 August was a great success with many happy members of the community enjoying the morning, drinking coffee by Jordan's Drink, listening to great music from 2SEA FM and watching their delighted children spinning on the new accessible for all carousel. President Martyn handed over ownership of the carousel and the documentation to Mayor, Russell Fitzpatrick who thanked the volunteers of the Club for the purchase and installation of the carousel which will provide children of all ages and abilities the pleasure of using the equipment without assistance. Wheelchairs and prams can be wheeled easily from the new adjacent accessible car parking space on the new concrete path which leads them straight onto the soft-fall surface and level access onto the platform of the carousel. Mums and Dads can keep an eye on their children from the wooden sleepers and offer any assistance, if required. |
Serving our Community 1969 - 2023![]() The above, are just a few of the projects our Club has been involved in since 1969. If you have a suggestion for a project where our Club could assist our community, please let us know by clicking on our 'Contact' tab at the top of the page.
Ukraine Crisis Appeal